Our Timeless Creator

How We Lose Sight of God | Message 13

Our Timeless Creator Season 1 Episode 13

This message identifies the initial wrong turn that we all take that leads us away from God’s desires and His fellowship.

In the scriptures, as well as in our own lives we can see clearly that there are times when God’s creation is closer to Him than at other times. King David, a man after God’s own heart went up against Goliath in righteous anger because he had spoken evil of God, and later sinned greatly in the matter of Bathsheba and Uriah. Moses spoke with God as friend to friend and miraculously received the Ten Commandments from God’s own hand but then disobeyed by smiting the rock instead of just speaking to it as God had instructed. What happened to these great men that caused such failures, and is there something we can learn from their mistakes and avoid them?

Scripture References

  • Isaiah 14:12-14
  • 2Timothy 3:1-5


Salient Points

Making sense of God’s ways, How Lucifer fell, Focusing on self, Steps to thinking of self, Perfect peace, Unsatisfied, When prayer fails, Distractions from God, Life without purpose, Re-focusing on the Creator, These perilous times, Self love, Last days, The “I” test, Not made for self, Works built on sand, The scales at the judgment, All about self, It’s God’s fault, Seeking to know God, Made to fellowship with God.



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Special Thanks
Images courtesy of Hubble Telescope, Nassau, Space Science Telescope Institute and the James Webb Space Telescope that include selected scriptures from the public domain version of The King James Bible. The availability of STScI materials on this website does not imply the endorsement of STScI or by any STScI employee of any private use of such materials, including, in particular, any commercial use and any use intended to mislead. For more information please visit our Copyright Information page by clicking here.