Our Timeless Creator

Seeing Through Gods Glass Darkly: Part 2 | Message 10

Our Timeless Creator / John Neidlinger Season 1 Episode 10

The Bible has much to say about our eternal future, but try as we may, it is impossible to get a vision of that reality. The closest thing in scripture is described as a Glass Darkly, which is very similar to a two way mirror. With a two way mirror the only way to see past your own reflection is to block out light on your side. 

This message continues with God’s Glass Darkly and focuses on what makes it harder to see what’s on the other side. 

Scriptures:  Jer. 9:23-24, Prov. 9:10

Sub Series: Seeing Through God’s Glass Darkly Pt-2

Key Words:  love, affections, heaven, above, faith, teach, Spirit, smoky, increase, change, world, busy, self, center, justification, doers, word, conviction, secret, sins, money, set 

Special Thanks
Images courtesy of Hubble Telescope, Nassau, Space Science Telescope Institute and the James Webb Space Telescope that include selected scriptures from the public domain version of The King James Bible. The availability of STScI materials on this website does not imply the endorsement of STScI or by any STScI employee of any private use of such materials, including, in particular, any commercial use and any use intended to mislead. For more information please visit our Copyright Information page by clicking here.