Our Timeless Creator
Our Timeless Creator
Seeing Through God’s Glass Darkly: Part 1 | Message 9
In Colossians 3 we are admonished to; Set our affections on things above. That is like telling someone to love something they have never tasted. Or telling a child who has never been to a place like Disney World or Sea World to love them. Even if you tried to describe it to them in detail, their attention span would run out long before the explanation was finished. Oh yes, once they have been there it is easy to love. So how are we going to love things above that we have never experienced?
This message is about some of the things that make it difficult for us to love a place we have never been but where everyone wants to go to someday.
Scriptures: 1 Cor. 13:1-13, Jer. 9:23-24
Salient Points: Charity and love, Love twisted, Describing God, Small faith, Smoky glass, Increasing faith, Taught by the Spirit, Our changing world, Busy , Too much to do, Setting your affections, The center of your universe, Self justification, Doing the word, Killing conviction, Secret sins, Don’t glory, Money replaces God.
Sub Series: Seeing Through God’s Glass Darkly Pt-1
Key Words: love, affections, heaven, above, faith, teach, Spirit, smoky, increase, change, world, busy, self, center, justification, doers, word, conviction, secret, sins, money, set
Special Thanks
Images courtesy of Hubble Telescope, Nassau, Space Science Telescope Institute and the James Webb Space Telescope that include selected scriptures from the public domain version of The King James Bible. The availability of STScI materials on this website does not imply the endorsement of STScI or by any STScI employee of any private use of such materials, including, in particular, any commercial use and any use intended to mislead. For more information please visit our Copyright Information page by clicking here.